Sunday, October 6, 2013

Podcast regarding screencasting

Starting from today I will attempt to create a podcast every day to show fluidyity and continuity in the work I do as screencaster. Since Podcasts are much simpler to create since the hassle of creating and synchronizing with the video is spared. Also people may want to download it and hear it on the way to school/work with their portable multifunctional phones / music players.

Here is today's podcast it is in OGG format, any respectable multimedia player like Adobe Flash and VLC should be able to play it.
I talk about how screencasts are created, in the most general fashion. I will delve into more details in later chapters.

Recording: in one shot, in various takes, dealing with rehearsals, audio recorded on post production for perfecting the original audio from the screencast, online media hosting sites and much more.

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